Monday 20 May 2013

First Day of Cold Water Training

Today Nicole, Mona and myself travelled down to Spencer Smith Park in Burlington for our first cold water dip of the season! Mona and I carpooled and with our poor sense of direction, ended up getting lost for about an hour.  Nicole had to come find us and guide us to the beach where we could wade into the water (sorry about that by the way!). After finally locating the park, we striped down to our bathing suits and started for the water, boy was it ever cold! We were able to get into about waist deep, simply wading and talking trying to keep our mind off of the freezing water and our numb legs. Since it was Victoria Day, there were people all over the beach, and some brave kids were even swimming with us!
After warming up a bit on the beach, we decided we would try again to go all the way in. Nicole went first, with me and Mona trailing behind. It was absolutely freezing! You could hardly keep your face in the water.
Just like Mona said, cold showers must begin ASAP to get us ready for whatever Lake Ontario throws at us this summer :)
For me, the distance has never really been a problem; it’s the cold water I've had trouble with. During my Lake Ontario swim, I was lucky as the water temperature was at about 70 for most of the swim. But training for the cold water was the worst, especially at night. It’s probably the biggest challenge for Lake Ontario swimmers, but no challenge is too hard to overcome!  All you need is a bit of positive attitude and determination J Cold showers, here we comee.

64 days until we take off from Kingston!
